Receiving New Directees: YES
Directing PSWC Clergy & Spouses ProBono: YES
Directee Genders: Both MEN & WOMEN
Virtual: YES
Retreat/Workshop Leader: YES
Languages: ENGLISH
Idyllwild, CA
Talbot School of Theology
Life and ministry transitions; Faith crisis; Navigating suffering (chronic illness and mental health); Developing new spiritual rhythms; Life mapping; sabbath and personal retreat planning; relational issues.
I am passionate to journey with pastors and spouses as they navigate the difficult terrain of leading people while tending to their own soul. I desire to create a safe place where they can be known and fully transparent. I consider it an honor to be welcomed into another’s story and together discern what the Holy Spirit is bringing to the surface in their life.
I was born, raised and spent my ministry life in Southern California. I am an ordained pastor with the Evangelical Covenant Church since 2008 and I have worked in small, medium and large churches.
I was trained as a spiritual director through the Institute of Spiritual Formation at Talbot School of Theology. Currently, my wife and I pastor at Hilltop Renewal Center where we host, curate and care for the hearts of Christian pastors and leaders through retreat ministry. We have three grown children and are enjoying our expanding family. I love the arts— music, literature, paintings, sculptures and a good Petite Syrah. My mother was a director at a museum and she often reminded me that the artist takes you where the theologian cannot. In my spare time, I enjoy a hike in nature and caring for our many animals. I am open to meeting people for spiritual direction online and in person at Hilltop. In my own spiritual life journey, I am often quite arrested by Thomas Merton who was “always saying goodbye” to something— and I find such agreement with that statement as YHWH continues to lead me “by roads I do not know, by paths I have not known, turning darkness into light and the rough places into level ground” (Isaiah 42:16).