Receiving New Directees: YES
Directing PSWC Clergy & Spouses ProBono: YES
Directee Genders: Both MEN & WOMEN
Virtual: YES
Retreat/Workshop Leader: YES
Languages: ENGLISH
Antioch, CA
C. John Weborg Center for Spiritual Direction, North Park Theological Seminary
Individual Spiritual Direction, Group Spiritual Direction, Contemplative Awareness, Spiritual Practices, Ignatian Excercises, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Formation, Grief and Loss, Parenting, PreMarital Counseling, Spiritual Retreats.
I have had a spiritual sensitivity as far back as I can remember. I was drawn to contemplative spirituality after reading the book, “Mansions of the Heart” by Thomas Ashbrook. In it he describes the seven stages of spiritual growth or mansions and the journey into the deeper stages is the path of contemplation. What does that mean? In 2016 I was able to take a sabbatical to “Study Christ Centered spirituality and how to live a modern contemplative life.” I spent a lot of time and money on gaining head knowledge and collecting degrees. Now I am focused on gaining heart knowledge thru Contemplative practices and the Celtic Spirituality approach to God. My favorite spiritual practice is centering prayer. I am married with two adult children, a son in New York and a daughter in Portland OR. I am a Pastor in Pleasant Hill CA. I enjoy coming alongside people on their faith journey and watching them learn how much they are loved by God. To help them discover ways to make space for God, to be open and to hear from him, and become increasingly sensitive to what He is doing in their heart and mind.