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Tom Eisenman.JPG


Receiving New Directees:   YES

Directing Clergy:   YES - My specific calling is to men and women in Christian ministry and their spouses, or persons in training for ministry.

Directee Genders:   Both MEN & WOMEN

Virtual:  YES

Retreat/Workshop Leader:   YES - Pastoral Care, Contemplative Retreats, Improved Staff Relationships through understanding the Enneagram (Enneagram trained and certified)

Languages:   ENGLISH



San Diego, CA



Diploma in the Art of Spiritual Direction, San Francisco Seminary, Enneagram Certification—Wagner, Supervision of Spiritual Directors Certification—Lucy Abbot Tucker, North Park.



Individual and Group Spiritual Direction, Spiritual Director Training, Prayer and Devotional Practices, Sabbath Retreats, Deeper in Christ Retreats, Staff Communication and Relationship Retreats using the Enneagram (Certified Trainer), Training and Supervision of Spiritual Directors.



I am an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Covenant and the president and founder of With You Ministries (  In 2009 I transitioned from 35 years of pastoral church ministry to focus my gifts and energies on caring for, encouraging and supporting leaders in the Christian community. Concurrent with my pastoral and direction ministry I have published seven books, five with Inter-Varsity Press, which have all been translated and widely circulated internationally.  My Spiritual Direction practice began in 1998 and has grown steadily through the years.  I now have over 50 clients I try to meet with monthly.  I am on teams of Covenant Spiritual Directors who lead the Deeper in Christ and Sabbath Retreats in many areas of the U.S. and Canada.  I am an active member of several Spiritual Direction Associations, meet regularly with my Spiritual Director and participate in monthly professional supervision.  My active role in the PSWC Directors’ Network is to facilitate Conference ministers connecting with a trained Spiritual Director.   For personal growth and enjoyment, I paint, make fine furniture, play piano and drums, boogie board off the San Diego Coast, and get lost for several months annually in fantasy football.  My wife Judie and I have been married 55 years and have four grown children—Jana, Joshua, Jason and Gabriel—and two grandsons.  




© PSWC Spiritual Directors Network. Created by Larissa Johnson with

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